Great Thoughts and DIY

8 Tips To Help Avoid Your Cats Conquering Your Green Artificial Christmas Trees

cat in the xtmas tree

Get Creative with Alternative Tree Options

Cats are climbers by nature. So there is no shock when someone states that their cat has climbed their green artificial Christmas trees and tried to conquer all that they can see. Since climbing is in their nature, you are going to be hard-pressed to keep your cat from trying to climb to the top of your green artificial Christmas trees. And if your cat is not climbing, chances are he or she may sit near your tree and try to bat the ornaments that they can reach…which is once again something in their curious nature.

So, aside from not having a tree, because who wants to have Christmas without a beautiful Christmas tree in their home…what can you do? Luckily there are tons of cat owners out there who have used some ingenious ideas to ensure their cat does not want to conquer their green artificial Christmas trees.

Check out these ideas and see which ones may work with your feline friend.

1. Make sure the tree is secure. You may find that you have to weigh down the base a bit, but it will help to know that your cat cannot overturn this later.

2. There are certain smells that could keep your cat away from the tree. For example, citrus smells are known to be a huge smell that cats despise. So get something that is citrus smelling and place this around the tree and your cat may give it a lot of space.

3. Never hang the ornaments on the bottom of your green artificial Christmas trees. This is just an invitation for your cat to play with these!

4. A squirt bottle of water is something that many people use when their cat decides to try and sneak up to their green artificial Christmas trees. They simply squirt the cat and say no, hoping that with this behavior the cat learns this is not something that he or she wants to continue to do.

5. Give the cat something that can distract them during the Christmas season so that they are not as tempted to play with your tree.

6. Use pet friendly ornaments so that in the event your cat does get into something, there is no harm going to come to them.

7. Don’t place this tree near somewhere that they can sit and jump onto it. This means avoiding having the tree near tables or the back of a couch, etc.

8. Place foil under the tree. Yes, it may not be as pretty as your regular tree skirt, but a lot of cats do not like the reflection it causes or the feel of it under their paws so they stay away.

There are even many cat owners who state they go with a smaller green artificial Christmas tree so that their cat is not as interested in these. Whatever you do, just remember that your cat is just doing what comes naturally to him or her.

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